Ahad 04 Aug 2013 22:56 WIB

Minister: Economic growth in 2013 estimated below 6.0 percent

Rep: Muhammad Iqbal/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Access to Tanjung Priok port in Jakarta is still underconstruction. General Electric (GE), will invest in Indonesia worth 300 million USD to develop the country's infrastructure. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Access to Tanjung Priok port in Jakarta is still underconstruction. General Electric (GE), will invest in Indonesia worth 300 million USD to develop the country's infrastructure. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, M Chatib Basri said national economic growth in 2013 was estimated below 6.0 percent. Therefore, realization of cumulative growth in the first half of 2013 is only 5.92 percent.

"We must deploy extra effort in this second half year. But, the efffort to reach 6.3 percent will be very heavy," Basri said on Saturday.

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced Indonesia's economic growth in second quarter of 2013 was 5.81 percent. This realization was lower than growth in the first quarter which was recorded at 6.03 percent. So that, cumullative growth in the first semester of 2013 was recorded at 5.92 percent.

Government consumption grew by 2.31 percent, while investment's growth increased by 4.67 percent, export of goods and services grew by 4.78 percent and import of goods and services grew by 0.62 percent. Basri said household consumption was still a main contributor to growth. Effect of high inflation in July 2013 is expected to subside in August and September 2013.

Basri expected economic growth would no longer rely on investment but household consumption. Then currently Ministry of Finance continued to accelerate government spending and household consumption.

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