Rabu 28 Aug 2013 01:30 WIB

Indonesia and Canada to build a solar power plant

Rep: Niken Paramitha/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Solar panel (illustration)
Foto: solarenergyfact.org
Solar panel (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A Canadian company, Canadian Solar Inc signed a memorandum of understanding with PT Swadaya Prima Utama to build solar power plant in Indonesia. 

"It is a great momentum because Indonesia also wants solutions for renewable energy," President Director of Swadaya Prima Utama, M Syafrie Syarief said in Jakarta recently.

Production of solar module plant will be suffice renewable energy in Indonesia. The plant will operate in Cikampek and generates 60 mega watt solar modules. While Indonesia only needs 20 mega watts from national solar energy then Indonesia can sell 40 mega watts to Asian countries such as in Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Syarief said that Indonesia became the leader of Asian regional market for solar power industry so this country could become a country with the most potential for solar energy. Unfortunately, Indonesia still pay less attention to the renewable energy resources. 

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