Senin 18 Nov 2013 13:31 WIB

Ministry of Religious Affairs to invest 12 trillion in Islamic banks

Rep: Amri Amrullah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Sukuk gets more popular as an interesting investment instrument. (illustration)
Sukuk gets more popular as an interesting investment instrument. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Religious Affairs committed to use financial services to support development of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Minister of Religious Affairs, Suryadharma Ali said that the Ministry has prepared 12 trillion IDR of funds to be invested in sukuk through Islamic banks.

"There is at least 12 trillion of Haj funds planned to be invested in sukuk, but it still waits for information from Finance Minister," Ali said recently.

These funds cannot be distributed to 17 Islamic banks as it still wait for the readiness of Islamic banks. The funds are purposed to intensify operational activities of Islamic finance in the Ministry. Ministry of Religious Affairs previously committed to use Islamic banks as Beneficiary Bank Deposit Hajj. 

Future management of Islamic bank also includes management of zakat, waqf, infaq and sadaqah. Role of sharia financial will also be implemented in Islamic Religious Affairs Office (KUA), which managed funds of 60 billion IDR today. Ministry of Religious Affairs also has sukuk funds of 27 trillion IDR. The figure continues to grow to 35 trillion IDR. 

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