Sabtu 30 Nov 2013 18:44 WIB

Laily Prihatiningtyas, Indonesia's youngest SOE's CEO

Menteri BUMN, Dahlan Iskan
Foto: Antara
Menteri BUMN, Dahlan Iskan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- State owned enterprises (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan would appoint Laily Prihatiningtyas to be the CEO of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko, a tourism company.

The women was born in December 1985 and she had not yet reached her 28th birthday.

The appointment was made to replace Ricky Siahaan from the current CEO.

Iskan said, Tyas, a holder of postgraduate degree from Nederlands, has an ability to be a managing director of state company.

He added the appointment of Tyas as the youngest SOE's CEO was a signal to Indonesia's younger generation that the opportunity to reach the top level of carrier is widely open.

Tyas has passed fit and proper test conducted by the ministry, as reported by media.

According to Antara, the appointment was made due to bad track record of the current CEO.

"I admit for making mistake. I am negligent. I do not see his track record, " Iskan said on an executive meeting of the Ministry of Enterprise, in Training House of PT PLN, Jakarta, on Thursday.

He admitted, as a result of the error, the letter of appointment for Ricky had been removed a few days earlier.

Ricky previously served as CEO of PT Paper Leces (Persero), a company that until now encountered by financial difficulties.

The company operation in Probolinggo, East Java, threatened with bankruptcy due to its 1.6 trillion IDR debt.

"Indeed, Ricky's appointment was done through a fit and proper test, but it turns out from the other side that he was proven incompetent to perform his role as CEO of PT Kertas Leces," Iskan explained.

He added that the condition of the company during the Ricky's leadership never escape from adversity.

"But I admit my mistake. I just signed the appointment decree without tracing his track record," he said.

For the error, Iskan said, he has already apologized to Ricky and subsequently the CEO received the Decree of Dismissal.

Definitely, he said, all parties did not want a SOE managed by a man who proved unable to fix the performance of a company.

Even so, he said, not long after that he decided to promote Lailly Prihatiningtyas as candidate for new CEO.


sumber : Antara
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