Jumat 06 Dec 2013 18:17 WIB

PTPN VIII exports banana to Singapore

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Imported bananas (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Imported bananas (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUBANG -- State owned tea plantation firm PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) VIII exported for the first time 7.26 tonnes of Mas Kirana bananas to Singapore. President Director of PTPN VIII, Sunardi Dadi said that export value reached 5,445 SGD.

"It proves that PTPN VIII management seriously working outside its core business by exporting other major commodities beside tea, rubber and palm oil," Dadi said on Friday.

Total area of fruit trees, which is owned by PTPN VII reaches 4,017 hectares (ha), consisting of banana, papaya, mangosteen, durian, avocado and other fruits. Banana has the most extensive area up to 1,342 ha.

Company already produced 93,279 kilograms of bananas and 3,742 kg of papaya sold to several distributors, such as PT Sewu Segar Nusantara, PT Laris Manis Utama, PT Mandiri Sukses Pratama, PT Mulia Raya, PT Indored, PT Agromali, Koperasi Tani Kuno with marketing areas throughout Indonesia. Banana and papaya gave profits to company worth 1,040 billion IDR.

Development of fruit commodities aim to increase company's revenue by optimizing land. It also captures huge market opportunities, both local and foreign market.

Government also implemented restrictions for some kinds of horticultural commodities. It will expand market for tropical fruits in the country. PTPN VIII continued to increase its planting areas up to 18,214 ha. Fruits will be planted as staple crops in tea, rubber and palm oil areas.

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