Jumat 27 Dec 2013 04:52 WIB

Stability of democracy must be prioritized: Observer

Red: Julkifli Marbun
List of exchange rates in a money changer in Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
List of exchange rates in a money changer in Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political parties seeking victory in the general elections next year should lay emphasis on stability of democracy, a political observer stated here on Thursday.

On Thursday, Arie Sudjito, the political observer from state Gajahmada University in Yogyakarta, Central Java noted that political parties are confronted with a major challenge such as maintaining stability of democracy in the country rather than fighting for their political aspirations. For instance, in the case of presidential and vice presidential nomination.

"Political parties must exhibit maturity by maintaining the stability of democracy. Small parties must be realistic, while big parties must desist from showing arrogance while conducting consolidation," he commented on the election issues.

Arie emphasized that political parties, big or small, should take responsibility in safeguarding the stability of the country's democracy so that the society is benefited.

He noted that the political configuration can be disrupted if the call for a judicial review submitted by presidential candidate from the Moon and Star Party (PBB), Yusril Ihza Mahendra, on the law on presidential election number 24/2008, was met.

If the request was met, all political parties will be able to nominate their presidential candidates without the need to meet the presidential threshold of 20 percent parliamentary seats or 25 percent of national votes.

Following the request for a judicial review, Arie remarked that small parties will now have a chance to nominate their own presidential candidates.

However, with regard to maintaining the stability of democracy he hoped that small political parties will also take into account the candidate's electability.

"We fear that political parties will nominate candidates only to increase their political bargain in order to pressurize big political parties," he commented.

"As it cannot be assured that people will choose their candidates, hence it is advised that small parties consolidate in order to nominate the best candidate for the people," he emphasized.

He pointed out that the same idea also applies to big political parties. He further added that if Yusril's request is met, then it will be difficult to differentiate between small and big parties.

"It can be said that no party will then have a landslide victory. Parties must strive towards charting a coalition strategy," he said.

Arie clarified that Yusril's move was constitutional and in line with the procedures. This is also a good strategy for a small party to improve its chances of winning the 2014 elections.

"But, the interests of the people and democracy hold greater significance rather than other procedural ones," he stated.

Yusril has filed a lawsuit against Law Number 42/2008 on the presidential election because he thinks that, constitutionally, the law doesn't favor him as a presidential candidate.

He mentioned that the law is also against several articles in the constitution.

Yusril has called for a judicial review on Article 3 Paragraph 4, Article 14 Paragraph 2, and Article 112 of the Law on Presidential Election regarding presidential and vice presidential candidate registration period, which is set seven days at the latest, following confirmation of legislative election results and the regulation that the presidential election must be held within a maximum period of three months after the legislative election.

Based on Article 6 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, Article 22e Paragraph 1, 2 and 3 of the 1945 Constitution, and Article 6 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, Yusril said that the presidential and vice presidential candidates are nominated by political parties before the election is held.

According to Article 22e Paragraph 1, 2 and 3 of the 1945 Constitution, the general elections, which are held once in five years, also cover the elections of the district or city, provincial legislative assembly members, members of the Regional Representatives Council, and the national legislative assembly members.

Drawing reference from all the articles, Yusril noted that all participating political parties in the general elections can nominate their own presidential candidates to the General Elections Commission.

Meanwhile, the implementation of the presidential election cannot be carried out after the legislative elections.

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