Kamis 02 Jan 2014 12:49 WIB

Semen Indonesia to sell 31 million tonnes of cements

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Precidential Director of  PT Semen Indonesia Tbk, Dwi Soetjipto
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Precidential Director of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk, Dwi Soetjipto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Cement company, PT Semen Indonesia plans to sell 31 million tonnes of cements in domestic and export market this year. Company will maintain market share of 44 percent in the country.

President Director of Semen Indonesia, Dwi Soetjipto said that company's sale increased 14.6 percent or 23.41 million tonnes compared to 20.43 million tonnes in previous year.

"Export sales also increased 335.3 percent, from 72.95 thousand tonnes in 2012 to 317.56 thousand tonnes in 2013," Soetjipto said recently.

He estimated that total sales of 2013 reached 27.95 million tonnes, consisted of Semen Gresik (13.64 million tonnes), Semen Padang (7.27 million tonnes), Semen Tonasa (6.33 million tonnes) and Thang Long Cement Vietnam for the rest. Semen Indonesia still dominates domestic market.

Semen Indonesia leads domestic market as the result of excellence products followed by marketing strategy. It is also supported by the existence of special port and cement packing plants spread all over Indonesia. It helps company's efficiency in transportation and distribution cost.

The holding company has owned 22 units of cement mills, 21 units of cement packing plants and 11 special ports in Padang, Tuban, Gresik, Biringkasi, Dumai, Ciwanda, Banyuwangi, Sorong and two ports in Vietnam.

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