Kamis 29 May 2014 22:16 WIB

Bank Muamalat seeks 30 percent of e-banking growth

Rep: Ichsan Emerald Alamsyah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Transaction in a counter of Bank Muamalat (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan
Transaction in a counter of Bank Muamalat (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia's Islamic bank, PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia continues to expand its cooperation with several partners to innovate its products and accessibility as well as build customer loyalty. The bank improves its e-banking system called e-Muamalat, as part of its strategies to increase it customers and third party fund.

This week the Islamic bank held ceremonial events with local water companies (PDAM) in a number of places like PDAM Surabaya, PAM Aetra, PAM Palyja, PDAM Banjarmasin, PDAM Banyumas, PDAM Cilacap, PDAM Semarang, PDAM Malang, PDAM Bondowoso, PAM Tirta Tamiang and PDAM Bontang. Director of Finance and Operation of Muamalat, Hendiarto, said that the company would develop e-channel capability as an important tool to support company's position in banking transaction.

The company also plans to increase customer's cash flow and fee-based income transaction. Total e-channel transactions in 2013 reached 22,717 million transactions or increased 64.15 percent compared to the previous year.

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