Senin 02 Jun 2014 18:56 WIB

Indonesia suffers deficit in international trade in April

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Imported fruits (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Imported fruits (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Statistics Indonesia (BPS) said Indonesia suffered deficit 1.97 billion USD in international trade in April as against a surplus of 673.2 million USD in March. 

Indonesia's exports fell 5.92 percent to 14.29 billion USD in April from 15.19 billion USD in March 2014, Head of BPS Suryamin told reporters on Monday. He noted that oil and gas exports made up 2.63 billion USD of the total exports in value with other commodities accounting for 11.66 billion USD.

He said imports surged to 16.26 billion USD in April or an increase of 11.93 percent from 14.52 billion USD in March. The imports included 3.69 billion USD in oil and gas with other commodities accounting for 12.56 billion USD. Meanwhile, the country's inflation was 0.16 percent in May as against a deflation of 0.02 percent in April. Suryamin attributed the inflation to high food price hike.

"The prices of manufactured foods, cigarettes and tobacco were the biggest contributors to the price hike," he said.