Kamis 09 Oct 2014 18:31 WIB

Petrochina finds new oil reserve

An oil rig in Bojonegoro (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Aguk Sudarmojo
An oil rig in Bojonegoro (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOJONEGORO -- Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (PPEJ), has found new oil reserves in the Sukowati C and D wells in the regency of Bojonegoro, East Java.

The new discovery is expected to make up for the declining trend in crude oil production from the Sukowai field, field manager of JOB PPEJ Junizar H. Dipodiwirdjo said.

"There has been indications of oil in the Sukowati C oil well in the village of Ngroworejo, and in D field in the sub-district of Trucuk," Junizar said here on Thursday.

However, the district administration is still studying the feasibility of the reserves , he said, adding the study would need hiring a consultant to determine locations for development in the field.

He said there is difficulty in determining the locations in the Sukowati C as it is close to the A field in the village of Campurejo and the location in Sukowati B in the village of Ngampel, sub-district of Kapas.

"The two locations have been heavily occupied by residential areas that development of the project could trigger social problem," he said.

He said the plan is to drill 29 new oil wells in the C and D fields bringing the number of oil wells to 60 units in the Sukowati field.

"Currently the oil production from Sukowati wells average only 1,000 barrels per day as the production has been on the decline," he said.

Based on data at JOB PPEJ, the A and B fields have 31 wells with average production of 23,000 barrels per day, shrinking from 43,000 barrels per day in its peak time in 2012.

"The decline in production of oil in the Sukowati field is natural. Three oil well have even been abandoned as the reserve had been depleted," he added.

It is estimated that Sukowati field has a potential reserve of 300 million barrels of crude oil and around 49 percent of the potential has been exploited.

"The drilling is to pump out the remaining reserve of 15 percent," he said.

sumber : Antara
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