Kamis 16 Oct 2014 21:40 WIB

S Korea to play Indonesian movies for its expatriates here

FILM HABIBIE & AINUN. Presiden ke-3 RI Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (tengah) bersama aktor pemeran Habibie, Reza Rahadian (kiri) dan aktris pemeran Ainun, Bunga Citra Lestari (kanan) berfoto bersama seusai menyaksikan tayangan perdana dari film
Foto: ANTARA/Widodo S. Jusuf
FILM HABIBIE & AINUN. Presiden ke-3 RI Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (tengah) bersama aktor pemeran Habibie, Reza Rahadian (kiri) dan aktris pemeran Ainun, Bunga Citra Lestari (kanan) berfoto bersama seusai menyaksikan tayangan perdana dari film "Habibie & Ain

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The South Korean Embassy will play some Indonesia movies for their people living in Jakarta. The movies will be screened during Korea-Indonesia Film Festival (KIFF) 2014.

"This is the first time since the KIFF started six years ago that Indonesian films will be screened, giving the Koreans living here (Jakarta) a chance to enjoy Indonesian movies," the director of the Korean Cultural Center in Indonesia, Rezki Seokgi Kim, said at a press conference on Thursday.

There are four Indonesian movies in the 15 films that will be screened during the sixth KIFF on October 23-28, at the Blitzmegaplex chain of theaters located in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, and Batam. According to Kim, more than 5,000 Koreans currently live in Indonesia, with most of them based in Jakarta,

"We want them to be acquainted with Indonesian culture, and one of the ways to learn about other cultures is through their movies."

Kim highlighted that the KIFF 2014 was held as part of various events organized by the South Korean embassy to commemorate the 41st year of the Korea-Indonesia diplomatic relationship.

"We will screen movies in all genres to promote the diversity of Korea and Indonesia while appreciating Indonesia's motto, "harmony in diversity," he remarked.

The four Indonesian movies to be screened at the KIFF include box office favorites and films that have won various awards. The films are "Sang Penari" (The Dancer, 2011), "5 cm" (2012), "Habibie & Ainun" (2012), and "9 Summers 10 Autumns" (2013).

The 11 Korean movies to be screened are "The Confessions" (2014), "No Tears for the Dead" (2014), "Miss Granny" (2014), "Roaring Currents" (2014), "Snowpiercer" (2013), "The Spy" (2013), "Pororo: The Racing Adventure" (2013), "Secretly Greatly" (2013), "A Werewolf Boy" (2012), "Mr. Go" (2012), and "The Target" (2010).

"Entries to the movies are free. The people just have to go to any of the five Blitzmegaplex theaters, collect their tickets from the box office and enjoy their films," Blitzmegaplex's spokeperson Trisiska Putri.

sumber : Antara
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