Kamis 04 Dec 2014 20:38 WIB

Sea toll road kicks off next year

Rep: Satya Festiani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Menteri Perhubungan, Ignasius Jonan
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Menteri Perhubungan, Ignasius Jonan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- Minister of Transportation, Ignasius Jonan, stated 'sea toll road' maritime program would kick off next year. The program, initiated by President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, will be started by revamping the system of shipping.

"We are the largest archipelago in the world. We must have great sea transportation," Jonan said on Thursday, December 4.

Most shipping in Indonesia is unscheduled, especially in East Indonesia. Jonan said he would seek budget for pioneer to boost the building of freightliner.

Scheduled shipping can decrease price in East Indonesia. Currently, the price in the area is soaring due to the unscheduled shipment.

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