Jumat 26 Jun 2015 21:00 WIB

Indonesia Hospital ready to handle Gaza residents

Rep: c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Relawan pembangunan Rumah Sakit Indonesia di kota Gaza, Palestina.  (foto : dok. MER-C)
Relawan pembangunan Rumah Sakit Indonesia di kota Gaza, Palestina. (foto : dok. MER-C)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian volunteers who are members of Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) successfully completed the mission of construction the hospital in Gaza, Palestine. The hospital which was inaugurated on June 15 was built on donations of all Indonesian people.

Collecting donations that began in 2009 was able to raise funds amounting to Rp 15 billion. With the funds, a magnificent three-storey hospital could be founded by volunteers recruited from Pondok Pesantren Al-Fattah, Cileungsi, Bogor.

"The hospital stands in 1.6 hectares of land, the building area of 9,600 km2. In the hospital there are 100 beds, four operating rooms, 10 ICU beds and 10 Emergency beds," said Volunteer Coordinator of Mer-C in Gaza Nur Ikhwan Abadi when talking with ROL lastnight.

Not only that, Ikhwan said, the hospital which were given the name Rumah Sakit Indonesia also has more complete medical support facilities. Such as, 24 hours clinic, Ct-Scan tools, as well as a number of modern and up-to-date medical equipments.

"The location of the hospital is also quite strategic in the region Bayt Lahiya, North Gaza, Palestine. It was close to the border that often became the prone regions," said the man in the construction of the hospital acted as architect.


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