Kamis 23 Jul 2015 13:43 WIB

City Council: The impact of urbanization is unemployment

Rep: c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Urbanisasi, industrialisasi, dan perkembangan ekonomi mendorong pertambahan penduduk di perkotaan (ilustrasi).
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Urbanisasi, industrialisasi, dan perkembangan ekonomi mendorong pertambahan penduduk di perkotaan (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Chairman of Jakarta City Council (DPRD), Triwisaksana said that urbanization could result various impacts for the Capital. Worse, unemployment will increase.

"If it is not managed properly, it will inevitably lead to disorder. The most extensive impact is the unemployment," said the politician who is familiarly called Bang Sani, on Wednesday, July 22.

Sani explained the impact of urbanization from those who did not have a definite place to stay. The goal was the emergence of squatter who caused the open space was getting scarce.

As Eid al Fitr 1436 Hijri has been held on Friday, July 17, last week. There were many of Jakarta residents who had returned home in Central Java, East Java, Sumatra and others.

After returning home, this week urbanization began to occur. The newcomers were also predicted to increase than last year.

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama himself had previously been revealed as residents of Jakarta homecoming to allow citizens to invite his family to stay in Jakarta. But with the requirements that the newcomers were required to have a job and a place to stay.

Sani said, newcomers should not need to be invited to come to Jakarta. Given the burden of Capital also so heavy.

"It should not need to invite other residents to enter. To manage the existing residents just as many as 10 million people, the provincial government was overwhelmed. What more if coupled with new residents," said PKS politicians.


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