Senin 21 Sep 2015 13:25 WIB

Property sales remain high despite weakening economy

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Pancoran Riverside

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Purchase of property in the form of an apartment was believed to remain high despite global economic conditions were sluggish. It was said by the Director of Marketing of  Capitol Park Residence, Raisa Widjaja.

"The current economic conditions makes people limit themselves to spend their money. However, we are sure to see a trend of purchasing property will remain good. We are quite optimistic that sales will be on target," he stated, in Jakarta, Sunday (21/9).

Raisa optimism was not separated from the location of the apartment offered. With a strategic location in downtown, it was believed to be able to attract potential buyers.

"Our targets are the group of middle-up and ex-pat," she added.