Senin 05 Oct 2015 18:32 WIB

Indonesian sharia capital investors on rise

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Foto: Antara/Andika Wahyu
Indonesia Stock Exchange

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- Although sharia capital market grew rapidly in Indonesia, the number of investors were still limited. Until June, there were only 3,400 investors interested in sharia capital market out of a total of 400 thousand investors in domestic capital market.

"They are specific investors who declared themselves as special investor for sharia capital market," said Development Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Nicky Hogan, in Padang, West Sumatra, Monday (5/10).

Even so, he stated the number of investor had actually increased, compared to the last year. Previously it only reached 2,700 investors.

"The rise is about 20 percent," he added.

He explained, compared with overseas development, Indonesia was still relatively underdeveloped. This was because investors recognized sharia stock market first than people in Indonesia.

BEI has conducted educational programs that lead to the sharia capital market. Previously, BEI only focused on conventional capital markets.

"However, now we have sharia investors forum and schools of Islamic capital markets," he continued.

Regarding the yield, Nicky said sharia capital market was in line with non-sharia capital market. If the stock market was rising, then the sharia stock market also rose.

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