Kamis 29 Oct 2015 20:16 WIB

Chinese Moslem Entrepreneurs to establish a consortium with Moslem SMEs in Indonesia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AP

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chinese Moslem Entrepreneurs planned to establish a consortium with Moslem businessmen in Indonesia. The organization of Chinese Moslem entrepreneurs provided opportunities for cooperation and support working capital, particularly to the Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

"We focus on ASEAN because there is Asean Economic Community (AEC), especially on SMEs business," said a member of Chinese Moslem Entrepreneurs from Ningxia Cina, Rudy Fang, in "Macthing Business Meeting", in Tajammu/Resto & Cafe (TRC) organized by KOSAGON, a Gontor alumni cooperative, in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/10).

Rudy said, Chinese Moslem Entrepreneurs is ready to help Indonesian Moslem businessmen to get international funding. According to him, there are some things that need to be owned by cooperatives and SMEs to access international funding, one them is to have clear vision and mission.

"Vision means, there is purpose to be achieved for the next 20 years," Rudy added.

In addition, Chinese Moslem Entrepreneurs provided opportunity for Indonesian businessmen to follow the trade mission to Xinjiang, China. Rudy stated, Indonesian Moslem businessman could see and learn how Chinese Moslem run their business.

"In China, there are about 100 million Moslems. They have a good economy and it was evidenced by the ability to build and finance their own business," he said.

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