Senin 21 Mar 2016 18:16 WIB
Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2015

'Tokoh Perubahan Republika' represent development era

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Didi Purwadi
Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2014
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2014

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Today, Republika hold figure of change award 2015 (Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2015). There is no significant difference in current award compare to previous years.

Deputy Editor in Chief Republika, Irfan Junaedi, said there is no need for difference to hold good tradition. But, the quality of the event should be improve.

All the figure that receive award are qualified and suitable for the era. For example, in politic era, the award recipient is they that active in politic. Now, the era of creativity and innovation.

''They that produce innovation that we choose. Alhamdulillah, they all wants to accept what we give,'' Irfan said on Monday.

There is five figure of change Republika 2015. They are an alim from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tuan Guru Haji Hasanain Juaini; environment activist Hotlin Ompusunggu; Gojek CEO, Nadien Makarim; group band Slank, also Communications and Information Minister, Rudiantara.

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