Ahad 12 Jun 2016 19:11 WIB

Ministry: Tax receipts down 2.3 percent

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Taxation Director General of the Finance Ministry Ken Dwijugiasteiadi said tax receipts up to May 2016 totaled Rp364.1 trillion, down 2.3 percent compared with that in the same period last year.

"It dropped by 2.3 percent from that in the same period in 2015 which stood at Rp377.028 trillion," Ken told a press conference on the State Budget 2016 (APBN 2016).

He said that the Rp364.1 trillion tax revenue received until May this year accounted for 26.3 percent of the tax target set in the APBN 2016.

The Director general said the decline was attributed to the slowing down of the economy at home and the fact that the oil and gas export activities did not yet recover.