Selasa 14 Feb 2017 18:43 WIB

Interior Minister awaits recommendation from Supreme Court related to Ahok status

Rep: Fauziah Mursid, Dessy Suciati Saputri, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tjahjo Kumolo
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Tjahjo Kumolo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo submitted a letter to chairman of the Supreme Court (MA) asking for issuance of fatwa regarding Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's (Ahok) status as DKI Jakarta governor. He would like to know the MA's opinion related to his decision to resume Ahok leadership in the capital city after his leave campaign was over. "I would asked for recommendation from the Supreme Court about the Article 83 of Law No. 23 in 2014 on the Regional Government," he said.

According to Tjahjo, his policy to reactivate Ahok as Jakarta governor was in accordance to the Constitution. As consequences to the policy, he got many criticism. Four fraction planned to submit an inquiry right to the government. Meanwhile, the National Mandate Party (PAN) still waiting for Tjahjo final decision before stated their stance in the right of inquiry. "I did not have any authority to comment on the inquiry right," Tjahjo commented.

Also read: Tjahjo Kumolo to asks Supreme Court opinion regarding Ahok's status

Tjahjo said he would follow the Supreme Court's recommendation, even if it stated that his policy was not appropriate. "Whether MA was willing to issue the fatwa or not, I leave it to MA," he said at the Supreme Court building, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

Also read: Four fractions submit inquiry right

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Supreme Court Hatta Ali said the institution would continue to minimize the issuance of fatwa. Hatta has been re-elected chairman of the Supreme Court period 2017-2022. "During my previous term, I have minimize the fatwa issuance because it could reduces the independence of judges and easy to be predicted by the litigant parties," he said on Monday.



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