Selasa 18 Apr 2017 19:48 WIB

Jakarta’s Election Commission prepares 7.2 million ballots

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ballot for second round of Jakarta gubernatorial election.
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Ballot for second round of Jakarta gubernatorial election.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – General Election Commission (KPU) of Jakarta has prepared 7,2 million ballots in accordance with the numbers of final voters (DPT) listed. 

“The ballots from our DPT were 7,2 million as mentioned in the final voters list (DPT),” said a commissioner of KPU, Betty Epsilon Idroos, on Tuesday (April 18). 

Jakarta's Election Commission has seperated broken ballots to be destroyed on Tuesday (April 18). Republika/Wihdan Hidayat 

Betty said the Voting Organizers Group (KPPS) would factually administer the number of ballots they accepted. It would be stated on their C-1 card. The logistics, equipments, and stuffs of the election would be distributed tonight or at least tomorrow morning. 

Broken ballots were burnt by Jakarta's Election Commission on Tuesday (April 18). Republika/ Wihdan Hidayat

"At least tonight or it usually be taken by KPPS early in the morning to be distributed to the election points. So far there were ballots distributed. It is usually taken to the neighborhood associations (RT/RW), and be taken to the election points in the morning,” she said. 

This evening, KPU Jakarta planned to damage improper ballots. She hoped the election would run well, so it could be a model for other regions. 

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