Ahad 22 Jan 2012 11:30 WIB

KPAI pushes govt to abolish juvenile prison

Rep: Gita Amanda/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Children's mental development is at risk if they put behind bars.
Foto: laprogressive.com
Children's mental development is at risk if they put behind bars.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR - Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), a children’s advocacy organization, will continuously push the government to abolish juvenile prison. It says, children's mental development is at risk if they put behind bars.

"A child who commits crimes should be sent home and let his parents to rehabilitate him,” the Secretary of KPAI, M Ihsan, said to Republika, recently.

The parents must agree to bear the responsibility to educate and rehabilitate their troubled children. The parties involved in the case should be better resolve the case outside the court. The parents, Ihsan gave an example, could pay some compensation to the victim. He said, the latest case in Sumatra Barat raised the public concern when a boy died in a police detention.   


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