Senin 23 Jan 2012 11:16 WIB

The police: The reckless driver used shabu-shabu

Rep: Ani Nursalikah / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
People are curious to watch the police investigae the accident cite in Jakarta on Monday.
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
People are curious to watch the police investigae the accident cite in Jakarta on Monday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Some tests show Afriyani Susanti (29 year old), a driver who killed eight people in a single accident in Jakarta on Sunday, used drugs before the accident occured. The police now officially name Susanti as a suspect in this case. Later, the number of victims increases to nine after one wounded victim passed away in the hospital.

"The test shows the driver and three other people along with her, used drug of shabu-shabu type," the chief of public relation officer at Metro Jaya Police, Rikhwanto (one name -ed), said on Monday.   

According to some witnesses, the deadly car was speeding at about 100 kilometer per hour before it hit some innocent pedestrians. Susanti also failed to show her diving license and car’s document to the police. If she is found guilty to all charges, a maximum penalty is to serve in prison for six years.

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