Selasa 31 Jan 2012 19:00 WIB

Innovation and regulation boost Islamic banking

Rep: Satya Festiani, Nur Aini/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Bank Syariah Mandiri is a leading Islamic bank in Indonesia (ilustration).
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Bank Syariah Mandiri is a leading Islamic bank in Indonesia (ilustration).


JAKARTA – The development of Islamic bank asset is still rocketing in 2012, economic analyst, Euis Amalia, says. The increase is supported by the increasing public interest in Islamic banking products and the emerging of Islamic general bank (BUS).

The Islamic banking asset in 2011 entirely records 49 percent growth compared to 2010. The asset reaches 149 trillion IDR or four percent market share of national banking. 

The target of the development of Islamic bank asset set by Bank Indonesia (BI) for 2012 reaches 44 percent. The realization of the asset development could surpass the target, Amalia says. “The development of the Islamic bank asset this year could be 50 percent or even 60 percent,” Amalia said in Jakarta, Monday.

She added, the market segment of Islamic bank surely would reach five percent in 2012. From Islamic financial industry, the support of the development comes from the variety of the products. “The products of Islamic bank now are more innovative,” she said. 

It is proof to be right. The products achieve great attention from society. One of the products is gold pawn. According to BI, the value of gold pawn funds in Islamic bank hits 6.1 trillion IDR.

The innovation is seen to be the main supporting factor for the development of Islamic bank asset. Another advantage, she said, Islamic banking increased its micro finance, which in turn it also increased the public trust. 

“The return of Islamic banking is also still competitive,” Amalia added. 

Amalia predicts Indonesia will have three more BUS during 2012. From BI records, the three new BUS are from two Independent Business Unit (UUS) and BTPN. There is also another Islamic bank becoming a state-owned company (BUMN). “There is increasing support to convert Islamic bank to BUMN.”

The regulation is also more conducive. Amalia mentioned, the elimination of double taxation in Islamic funds products would increase portfolio funds of Islamic banking. 

“We are optimist that the transition of Financial Services Authority (OJK) will not be a problem. Islamic banking is still attractive,” she said. 

The problem of human resource in Islamic bank will not hamper its development since more universities now open Islamic finance majors. 


Satya Festiani

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