Senin 27 Feb 2012 17:54 WIB

The bad weather remains threatening here

Rep: Erik Purnama Putra/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The threat caused by bad weather still lingers in Indonesia (illustration).
Foto: Republika/Rusdy Nurdiansyah
The threat caused by bad weather still lingers in Indonesia (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - After Iggy tropical cyclone moving away, the threat of bad weather still lingers in Indonesia. Extreme weather related to transition season caused disaster in several regions last week.

Flash flood caused by heavy rain swept Tangse, Pidie, Aceh last Saturday night. Kebun Nilam, Blang Maloe, and Pulo Mesjid in Tangse were inundated, the Head of Data, Information, and Public Relation of National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, said. The flood causes Tengku Idris (55 years) missing.

The flash flood hit 14 houses in Kebun Nilam. At least four houses were swept and a house was damaged heavily in Blang Maloe. “The flood caused Kuala Panteue bridge damaged and cut the connection Beureunuen-Tangse,” Nugroho said on Sunday.

The authorities have not calculated the total loss. Meanwhile, Pidie and Aceh Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBA) have been in the disaster location to rescue and evacuate the residents. The flash flood also swept this exact region eleven months ago.

The heavy rain on Saturday evening also caused cold lava flood in seven rivers that flow from Mount Merapi, Central Java. The rivers are Kali Pabelan, Blongkeng, Putih, Batang, Lamat, Krasak, dan Bebeng.

Two 70 meter crocks made to prevent the flood in the east Nabin, Gulon, Salam and in Surodadi, Sawangan, were floated by the flood. At least one house collapses and ten others damage by the lava flood.

A day before, tornado hit several regions in Indonesia. It hit Sidrap (South Sulawesi) and West Pakpak (North Sumatra) almost at the same time.

Five people dead; four in Sidrap and another in West Pakpak. About 59 houses were damaged in Sidrap and 39 in West Pakpak. The tornado also wrecked several houses in Cilacap, Garut, and Sukabumi.

The Head of BMKG’s extreme weather forecasting division, Kukuh Ribudianto, said, the extreme weather happened in Indonesia due to transition from rain to dry season. The transition causes the gathered of dark clouds that make heavy rain. The extreme weather is predicted occurs till the next dry season come between April to June.

Extreme weather is still predicted in Indonesia until several days ahead. Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) predicts heavy rain could pour Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) in the next three days.

Meanwhile, extreme weather that could lead to flood should be anticipated in South Sumatra and Java. Those living near beach should be more causious as the extreme weather could cause high wave which is dangerous for shipping and houses along the beach. 

Ribudianto warns the residents to count the potencies of extreme weather according to geographical condition near their location. “For those in highland, they should be alert for heavy rain. The threat is based on the local topography,” he said. 




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