Rabu 21 Mar 2012 01:16 WIB

SBY: Hybrid vehicle for Indonesia

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Our future motor vehicle must be economically, non-fossil fuel, and environmentally friendly, with great design.   (illustration)
Foto: wired.com
Our future motor vehicle must be economically, non-fossil fuel, and environmentally friendly, with great design. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Government prepared strategic plan to produce economical motor vehicle or hybrid, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) said. SBY delivered the plan in Presidential Office, Jakarta on Monday after welcoming four rectors from Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS).

SBY hoped in the near future, the discussion on the non-fuel motor vehicle could be written into strategic plan to estimate the roadmap and timeline. The economical vehicle can reduce the fuel dependency, as the price in international market elevates.

“If we keep rely on it, we will face many susceptibilities or even crisis should the fluctuation of world crude oil happen,” he said.

The President predicts national collaboration in research and production is needed to produce environmental friendly vehicle nationally. All related parties, academics, ministries, and privates, should participate to the project. 

“The rectors reports that the process to produce electric car and motorcycle keep continuing. They even have the timeline on when the vehicle will be introduced,” he said then added, according to the rectors the environmental friendly vehicle could be launched in 2014. 





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