Kamis 22 Mar 2012 22:36 WIB

Expert: Human might interfere tomcat habitat

Paederus fuscipes (in Latin)
Foto: nbaii.res.in
Paederus fuscipes (in Latin)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - Recently, the residents in Surabaya, East Java are worried about the attack of Tomcat (in Latin: Paederus fuscipes), an insect with poisonous liquid that can hurt human. When its liquid in contact with human skin, the skin will be itchy.

An insect expert from Plant Protection Department of Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof Aunu Rauf, said, the outbreak of Tomcat population in Surabaya might be caused by human interference in its habitat.

"I have not seen the exact location, whether it is near rice field or not. But why it is found there, so that place could be their habitat," Rauf said to ANTARA.

Rauf said, the location should be checked to ensure that the outbreak was triggered by the existence of human housing in the insect habitat. Paederus Fuscipes is grown in humid places, such as rice field, river banks, swamp, and forest. The insect usually keep its egg in the soil. Then until the egg develops into larva and pupa, it lives under the soil. When it grows, the insect bursts from the soil and live in plant.

The life cycle of the insect from egg to an insect is 18 days. The insect can live up to three months and a female insect can produce 100 eggs.

"The housing may be built in their habitat. The tomcat then interfere the human habitat in the night because the insect is attracted to the light," he said.



sumber : Antara
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