Jumat 30 Mar 2012 22:15 WIB

Protesters sit on Jakarta inner city toll road

Rep: Erdy Nasrul/Agung Sasongko/Asep Wijaya/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The tension is quite high when the protesters including thousands of workers occupy the main street in front of House of Representative's complex on Friday.
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
The tension is quite high when the protesters including thousands of workers occupy the main street in front of House of Representative's complex on Friday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Thousand workers sat on Jakarta inner city toll road during a protest on fuel price increase. Some protester tried to breakdown the House’ gate and some other burned tires as the atmosphere was quite provoking. 

“Our target is not the toll road. It is the front gates of House of Representatives,” the orator from Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI) said to the protesters on Friday afternoon.

The concentration of the protest was divided into two, in the front gates and in Jakarta inner toll road. As situation was vulnerable to provocation, police were on standby.

In the front gates, some protesters stood in front of the gates, tied and pulled those four-meter iron fences with a banner. “Pull… pull,” the protesters said. The field coordinator burned their spirit by chanting, “Live Indonesia!” 

They also burned tires in the west gate of the House. Some protesters tried to break down the gates by destroying cemented wall between iron fences. They pounded the wall using the broken iron gates.

Thousand protesters from workers and students had come to the House since Friday morning. The gates were guarded by House internal security and police officers. The officers were equipped with shield and wooden bat. 





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