Kamis 19 Apr 2012 17:54 WIB

'We Lost Him'

Rep: Ahmad Reza S/Rusdy Nurdiansyah/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Bismar Siregar is widely known for his honesty and modesty. (photo files)
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
Bismar Siregar is widely known for his honesty and modesty. (photo files)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The former Supreme Court Judge, Bismar Siregar, passed away in his 84 at Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta. He died on Thursday at 12.25 local time.

“My father died today after being comma for four days,” Bismar’s son, Kemal Syah Siregar, said on Thursday.

For those days, Bismar suffer from bleeding in his head. After getting permission from the family, doctor team conducted a surgery to take out the liquid. Bismar will be buried on Friday in Jeruk Purut Cemetery, South Jakarta. 

Kemal sees his father as a gentle and polite figure. Bismar is also known for his modesty. “We lost him,” he said.

The former Speaker of Constitutional Court Justice, Jimly Asshiddiqie, said Bismar was a perfect figure in justice. “We pray for him and make him as a role model for all judges,” Asshiddiqie said.

He added Bismar was always honest and assertive. “He never stopped devoting himself for justice in Indonesia,” he said.



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