Selasa 24 Apr 2012 17:18 WIB

Mount Lokon erupts again

Rep: Fernan Rahadi/Satya Festiani/Antara/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Gunung Lokon
Gunung Lokon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, erupted on Tuesday at 11.21 Indonesian Central Time, then erupted for the second time on afternoon. The explosion was followed by strong tremor. The increasing volcanic activity of Mount Lokon started from Monday at 15.00 Indonesian Central Time. Until Tuesday at 09.00 in local time, volcanic quake is noted for 180 times.

“The explosion was strong and followed by strong tremor. Our foothold were trembling, so was the pillar of the house and the door and window,” Junike Agustin, a resident of Kinilow I, North Tomohon, said.

The Head of Lokon Volcanic Mountain Observation Post and Mahawu Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation in Kakaskasen, Tomohon, Farid Ruskanda Bina, said the same about the explosion. “The dust of the explosion is unpredictable because it is covered with fog,” he said.




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