Ahad 10 Jun 2012 00:05 WIB

SBY keeps all the vice ministers

Rep: Syahruddin El Fikri/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Position of Minister of Health is still empty after Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih passed away several months ago. (photo file)
Foto: Antara
Position of Minister of Health is still empty after Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih passed away several months ago. (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - As a respond to the verdict of Constitutional Court on June 5, 2012, over the position of vice minister, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) decides to keep all of his vice ministers through Presidential Decree No. 65/M/2012.

"The presidential regulation was signed by the President yesterday (Thursday) and would be made known to the public soon," said presidential spokesman Julian A Pasha, who was accompanying the President on a visit to Ambon, Maluku, on Friday.

In its ruling, the Constituional Court pointed out that Article 10 of Law Number 39 of 2008 was inconsistent with the Constitution. Several parties had previously filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court, stating the selection process of deputy ministers was unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court ruled the president did not violate the constitution when he appointed the deputy ministers. However, the court requested the president to review his regulation in order to bring it in line with the court`s ruling. 

The new regulation states deputy ministers report to ministers and assist them in implementation of ministerial duties, according the cabinet secretary`s official website. The tasks include assisting ministers in: the decision-making process; the implementation of working programs and contracts; giving recommendations and advice regarding the implementation of ministerial tasks and functions; controlling and monitoring the implementation of ministerial tasks and functions; and assessing and determining officials in ministries.

Deputy ministers are appointed and dismissed by the President. Their term of office is same as that of the President`s, or ends when the President ends his tenure, according to the new regulation. Regarding the deputy ministers, financial rights and other perks, the regulation states they are less than those of ministers but more than those of echelon IA officials. The finance minister is yet to unveil the exact figures.

According to Article 6 of the regulation, both civil servants and non-civil servants can become deputy ministers. Civil servants who are appointed as deputy ministers will be suspended as civil servants during their tenure and would be reinstated after the tenure is over. During their tenure as deputy ministers, retired civil servants would not get a pension.

Yet, SBY has not appointed new Minister of Health and Vice Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Both positions are empty since the previous occupants, respectively Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih and Widjajono Partowidagdo, passed away several months ago.

According to the cabinet official website, setgab.co.id, those who keep the vice minister positions are Alex SW Retraubun (Ministry of Industry), Bambang Susantono (Ministry of Transportation) A Hermanto Dardak (Ministry of Public Works),  Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin (Ministry of Defense), Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo (Ministry of National Development Planning), Anny Ratnawati and Mahendra Siregar (Ministry of Finance), Wardana (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Denny Indrayana (Ministry of Law and Human Rights), Bayu Krisnamurthi (Ministry of Trade), Rusman Heriawan (Ministry of Agriculture), Ali Ghufron Mukti (Ministry of Health), Musliar Kasim, (Ministry of Education and Culture for Education Sector), Wiendu Nuryanti (Ministry of Education and Culture for Culture Sector), Nasarudin Umar (Ministry for Religious Affairs), Sapta Nirwandar (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy), Eko Prasojo (Ministry for the Supervision of the State Apparatus), and Mahmuddin Yasin (Ministry of State-owned Enterprise).

sumber : Antara
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