Kamis 28 Jun 2012 19:35 WIB

Suspect of the attack of former Aceh Governor arrested

Rep: Bilal Ramadhan/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The suspect of former Aceh governor's attack (wearing mask), MTR (47 years).
Foto: Antara/Azhari
The suspect of former Aceh governor's attack (wearing mask), MTR (47 years).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Aceh police arrest on Wednesday night the suspect in the attack of former Aceh Governor, Irwandi Yusuf. The attack happened last Monday after the inauguration ceremony of new Aceh governor, Zaini Abdullah, and deputy governor Muzakir Manaf.

“The suspect is M (initial –Ed), 28 years old,” the Spokesman of Indonesian National Police, Boy Rafli Amar, said on Thursday.

He was arrested on Wednesday night and directly taken into custody by Aceh Police Department. Police still interrogate him over the attack to find the reasons. Amar refused to mention that M was the cadre of Aceh party, Yusuf’s political opponent.

“He seems to attack him spontaneously. It is not planned,” Amar said. While during a press conference, MTW admitted that his attack was driven by his disappointment towards the former governor. 



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