Kamis 27 Sep 2012 22:00 WIB

The ferry accident in Sunda Straits caused by human error

Rep: Mursalin Yasland/M Fakhruddin/Ani Nursalikah/M Iqbal/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Map of Sunda Strait
Foto: en.wikipedia.org
Map of Sunda Strait

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MERAK - The accident involving ferry Bahuga Jaya and tanker Norgas Cathinka in Sunda Strait may be caused by human error, Director General of Land Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation, Suroyo Alimoeso, said. Bahuga Jaya was in good condition when it sailed because it had been repaired in July 2012.

It was sunshiny weather when both ships collided. The spokesman of Public Relations at National Police, Agus Rianto, said a ship took late maneuver. The Captain of Bahuga Jaya turned its ferry to the left while the captain of Norgas Cathinka turned it to the right.

"We are conducting the investigation. The captain is being asked," Rianto said on Wednesday. The Ministry of Transportation is waiting for the investigation conducted by the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT).

Bahuga Jaya capsized on Wednesday morning at local time in Sunda Strait, about four miles from Bakauheni Port. The ferry sank after hitting tanker Norgas Cathinka. The ferry was sailing from Merak Port in Banten to Bakauheni in Lampung. The boat also carried 22 cars, 11 pickups, 17 medium trucks, 18 big trucks, and some motorcycles.

The spokesman of Lampung Police Department said seven people were death, correcting the previous information that said eight people were death. However, the number of the death may increase as some passengers are still trapped inside the boat.

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