Kamis 27 Sep 2012 22:50 WIB

Three years in jail for former Indonesian central bank deputy governor

Former central bank senior deputy governor Miranda Goeltom
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Former central bank senior deputy governor Miranda Goeltom

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former central bank's senior deputy governor Miranda Goeltom was sentenced to three years in jail here on Thursday for corruption. Miranda was also fined 100 million IDR.

"Miranda Swaray Goetom was proven guilty of corruption," chief judge Gusrizal said reading the verdict.

Upon hearing the verdict Miranda said she would appeal. "I am shocked. I have never thought (of it). I did not do anything. God knows I have done nothing and therefore I would appeal," she said. In response to the ruling the prosecutors led by Supardi meanwhile said they would think about it.

Miranda was also fined 100 million IDR. The prosecutors had accused Miranda of giving 480 travel checks worth Rp24 billion to a number of House Commission IX members in connection with her election as Bank Indonesia senior deputy governor for 2004-2009.

She was accused of distributing the checks each worth 50 million IDR through Arie Malangyudo who was the staff member of Nunun Nurbaeti who all were already convicted in connection with the case to Udju Djuhaerie representing the military/police faction, Endin Aj Soehifara from the United Development Party (PPP), Hamka Yandhu from Golkar party and Dhudie Makmun Murod from the Indonesia Democratic Party Struggel in June 2004.


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