Sabtu 29 Sep 2012 21:06 WIB

Jokowi officially becomes the next Governor of Jakarta

Rep: Satya Festiani/Asep Wijaya/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The head of task force at the Jakarta election commision (KPUD), Sumarno (left), and the head of KPUD Jakarta, Dahlia Umar, announce the official result of Jakarta gubernatorial election in 2012 on Saturday. KPUD officially announce Joko Widodo and his running mate, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama win over Fauzi Bowo and Nachrowi Ramli.
Foto: Republika/Agung Fatma Putra
The head of task force at the Jakarta election commision (KPUD), Sumarno (left), and the head of KPUD Jakarta, Dahlia Umar, announce the official result of Jakarta gubernatorial election in 2012 on Saturday. KPUD officially announce Joko Widodo and his running mate, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama win over Fauzi Bowo and Nachrowi Ramli.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Regional Election Commision (KPUD) Jakarta officially announced on Saturday that Joko Widodo and his running mate, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, won the Jakarta gubernatorial election in 2012. The head of KPUD Jakarta, Dahlia Umar, said the result was based on the official count.

The pairs known as Jokowi-Ahok reached 53.82 percent of votes, while their rivals Fauzi Bowo-Nachrowi Ramli garnered 46.18 percent of votes. "Jokowi-Ahok wins over Fauzi Bowo-Nachrowi Ramli," said Dahlia Umar on Saturday.

Their votes are generated from 4.592.945 illegible people who used their voting right on the second round on Thurdsay, September 20. The voter turnout in this second round of elections was far below the first round, which reached 6.996.951 voters.

Jokowi-Ahok wins for 2.472.130 votes while Fauzi Bowo-Nachrowi Ramli trails with 2.120.815 votes. KPU gives three days for any mates to submit the objection to Constitutional Court. Should any objection submitted, the inauguration will be delayed until November 2012.








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