Rabu 17 Oct 2012 22:12 WIB

KRI Dewaruci ends global voyage

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
KRI Dewaruci docs in Medan, North Sumatra at the beginning of this month. The Indonesian navy ship finally ends it voyage around the world and it arrives at the port of Surabaya on Wednesday.
Foto: Antara/Septianda Perdana
KRI Dewaruci docs in Medan, North Sumatra at the beginning of this month. The Indonesian navy ship finally ends it voyage around the world and it arrives at the port of Surabaya on Wednesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA - Indonesian Navy ship KRI Dewaruci arrived at the port of Koarmatim Ujung in Surabaya on Wednesday at 9:20 pm local time. The arrival bringing to an end its 10-month long journey around the world that started on January 15, 2012.

The arrival of the military cadet training ship of the Naval Academy was in the presence of the Vice Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral TNI Marsetio, Vice Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar and some top officials of Navy Pangkotama. In addition, hundreds of soldiers and the families of the crew of KRI Dewaruci were also present when the three-high mast sailing ship pulled into the edge of the Koarmatim port. 

KRI Dewaruci was escorted to port by a tugboat spraying coloured water and the escort of the Frogs Forces Command personnel. The cadets then performed the `Roll Parade' on the KRI Dewaruci, as part of tradition when a ship is docked or anchored.

The overseas voyage was the 44th for the KRI Dewaruci, with a distance of 27,006 nautical miles and stops in 21 countries in Asia, Africa, USA and Europe. The KRI Dewaruci`s first voyage around the world was in 1964 under command of Marine Commander Lieutenant Colonel (P) Sumantri on the orders of President Soekarno.

On its last world tour, the KRI Dewaruci was commandeered by Marine Lt. Col. (P) Haris Milky Bayuseto, who also led the government mission to promote tourism in Indonesia to other countries.









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