Sabtu 05 Jan 2013 23:50 WIB

Doctors disallow police to investigate minister's son

Rep: Satya Festiani/Gilang Akbar Prambadi/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Coordinating Minister for Economy, Hatta Rajasa (center) explains the current condition of his son, M Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa, who involved in a car accident that costs two lives.
Foto: Republika/Agung Fatma Putra
Coordinating Minister for Economy, Hatta Rajasa (center) explains the current condition of his son, M Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa, who involved in a car accident that costs two lives.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The health condition of the suspect of deadly car crash in Jagorawi toll road, M Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa, the son of Minister Hatta Rajasa, is reported still unstable. His doctor disallow police to proceed his deadly accident.

"The doctor disallow police to carry out an investigation because Rasyid is still unstable," Rajasa said on Saturday in Pertamina Hospital. He explained that Rasyid sometimes have symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and feel trauma.

"Our son seems to need some more time to recover," he said.  

The internist at Pertamina Hospital, dr Abdul Haris, confirmed that Rasyid was still unstable. "The patient cannot be taken from treatment room," he said.

Rasyid was driving his BMW 100 kilometers per hour when he hit a Luxio from behind. The accident caused the back door of Luxio to open suddenly. Two passengers in the back seat fell to the right and hit iron fence. They passed away instantly. 

The night before the accident occurred, Rasyid was attending new year party in Kemang, South Jakarta. He was allegedly sleepy when he drove his car. Rasyid could be sentenced five years in prison if he was found guilty. 



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