Kamis 10 Jan 2013 22:05 WIB

Maidin: Morally, Habibie is clean compared to Anwar

Rep: Erik Purnama Putra/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The third Indonesian president, BJ Habibie (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
The third Indonesian president, BJ Habibie (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former Malaysia's Minister of Information, Zainuddin Maidin, who once insulted former Indonesian President BJ Habibie, denies that he praises Habibie in his new article. 

"I did not praise Habibie," Maidin said to Republika on Thursday.

In the new article, Maidin wrote 'The Differences between Habibie and Anwar' and published in Utusan Malaysia. The article is a follow up of his first article 'The Similarities between BJ Habibie and Anwar Ibrahim', which considered by many had insulted Indonesia's third president.. 

In his second article, Maidin tends to praise Habibie by saying that he is an honorable and credible man. But Maidin argued that his view towards Habibie had not changed. He also warned Habibie not to get involved in Malaysia's politics by supporting Anwar.

He added that his article focused on Anwar, who was considered committing crime in Malaysia. He admitted that Habibie was better leader than Anwar.

"Speaking about morality, Habibie is clean compared to Anwar Ibrahim. He is not corrupt, not a gay and he is very humanist," he said. 


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