Senin 14 Jan 2013 19:21 WIB

Surprisingly, Minister Rajasa gets more public sympathy after the accident

Rep: Muhammad Akbar Wijaya/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Coordinating Minister for Economy, Hatta Rajasa (center) explains the current condition of his son, M Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa, who involved in a car accident that costs two lives.
Foto: Republika/Agung Fatma Putra
Coordinating Minister for Economy, Hatta Rajasa (center) explains the current condition of his son, M Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa, who involved in a car accident that costs two lives.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister of Economy, Hatta Rajasa, gets more public sympathy after his son, Rasyid Rajasa, involved in a car accident. This polling result was contrary to the earlier prediction that Rajasa might have suffered more rejection from public. 

"More people have more symphaty to Rajasa after the accident," Coordinator of Nonstop polling, Ichwanudin Siregar, said on Sunday. 

Nonstop conducted polling for presidential candidates from December 13 to January 13. Hatta Rajasa gets 45.2 percent of acceptability out of 3050 participants. Siregar admitted that he was astonished with the result. 

"We thought that the accident would tarnish his reputation," he said about the head of National Mandate Party (PAN).

He predicted that public was clever on digesting information. "People no longer accept politicized car accident, especially because this was not related to drugs," he said and added that Rajasa's response towards the families of the victims also increased the sympathy. 

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