Senin 14 Jan 2013 22:04 WIB

Election Commission decides parties' sequence number

Rep: Mansyur Faqih/Satya Festiani/Ira Sasmita/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Heads of parties bring numbers of their parties at the Election Commission office in Jakarta on Monday.
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi
Heads of parties bring numbers of their parties at the Election Commission office in Jakarta on Monday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - General Election Commission (KPU) decides the sequence number of parties running for 2014 general election after the meeting on Monday. Earlier KPU announced that only 10 parties qualified to participate in the upcoming legislative election, while the other 24 parties were disqualified.

Chairman and Secretary General of the parties took the sequence number and monitored by the commissioner of KPU. Chairman of PAN, Hatta Rajasa, Chairman of Golkar Aburizal Bakrie, Chairman of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar, Chairman of Democratic Party Anas Urbaningrum, Chairman of Hanura Wiranto and Secretary General of PDIP Tjahjo Kumolo attended here.

The number order for the parties are:

1. National Democratic Party

2. National Awakening Party (PKB)

3. Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)

4. Indonesian Democratic Party for Struggle (PDIP)

5. Golkar Party

6. Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra)

7. Democratic Party

8. National Mandate Party (PAN)

9. United Development Party (PPP)

10. People's Conscience Party (Hanura)


Chairman of National Democratic Party, Patrice Rio Capella and his Secretary General Ahmad Rofiq seemed enthusiastic to get number one.  "Number one would be the winner," Rofiq said. 




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