Senin 25 Feb 2013 20:38 WIB

Marzuki Alie likely to be the next chairman of ruling party

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Senior cadre at Democrat Party who also chairman of the House of Representative, Marzuki Alie (left) is at his office in Senayan parliamentary complex, Jakarta, after another party cadre, Edhie Baskoro, submits his resignation letter from his position at t
Foto: Antara/Rosa Panggabean
Senior cadre at Democrat Party who also chairman of the House of Representative, Marzuki Alie (left) is at his office in Senayan parliamentary complex, Jakarta, after another party cadre, Edhie Baskoro, submits his resignation letter from his position at t

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Democratic Party, Marzuki Alie, has the opportunity to become the chairman of Democratic Party. "Among candidates in Democratic Party congress in Bandung in 2010, Marzuki Ali has the biggest chance," the former Deputy Director of Democratic Party, Muhammad Rahmad, said on Monday. 

During the congress, Anas Urbaningrum won the election of Democratic Party chairman with 280 votes, followed by Marzuki Alie with 240 votes and Andi Mallarangeng with 82 votes. Marzuki Alie has a bigger chance as Andi Mallarangeng becomes the suspect of Hambalang graft case. 

Rahmad said Extraordinary Congress (KLB) should be held in 2015, after the term of office 2010-2015 ended. While Marzuki Alie said the advisory board of the party still discussed the process of electing next chairman. Alie emphasized that Secretary General of Democratic Party, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, or known as Ibas, would remain in his post.


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