Ahad 17 Mar 2013 21:03 WIB

Govt prepares 16 trillion IDR budget for 2014 election

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
General Elections Commission (KPU) Logo (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
General Elections Commission (KPU) Logo (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Government prepares budget worth 16 trillion IDR for the upcoming 2014 General Election, Minister of Finance Agus Martowardojo stated. The budget is already included within 2014 state budget.

The money will be used to hold a fair and democratic election as well as maintain national stability. The minister said the budget would soon be socialized to the ministries and institutions as a special budget outside government's routine spending.

In 2013 state budget, government includes 8.1 trillion IDR for the preparation of 2014 General Election in hope to increase public political participation in 2014 up to 75 percent.

In 2008, government prepared 6.67 trillion IDR for the preparation of 2009 General Election. However, the realization reached 1.9 trillion IDR. The next year, government allocated 13 trillion IDR for General Election, with the realization only 8.5 trillion IDR.

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