Kamis 28 Mar 2013 23:58 WIB

Democratic Party to support SBY as the new chairman

Rep: Dyah Ratna Meta Novi/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Head of Democratic Party Faction, Nurhayati Assegaf, stated that all members of Democratic Party agreed to support the party's chief advisor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), as the next chairman.
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Head of Democratic Party Faction, Nurhayati Assegaf, stated that all members of Democratic Party agreed to support the party's chief advisor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), as the next chairman.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Head of Democratic Party Faction, Nurhayati Assegaf, stated that all members of Democratic Party agreed to support the Chief Patron of the party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), as the chairman replacing Anas Urbaningrum who was named as a graft suspect.

Assegaf said the party had thought the matter carefully because SBY was a president of Indonesia and his term of office would end next year. His leadership is considered success, making Indonesia reach 6.5 percent economic growth.

She said that Democratic Party was suffering a great pressure when people needed the party to enhance people's welfare. "Besides, there is no rule prohibiting president to act as chairman of a political party," she said.

She explained that the party was built by SBY. "When the party faces stormy weather, SBY unites the cadres," she said. "We expect to gain electability. We hope Democratic Party can compete in the upcoming election," she added.


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