Ahad 21 Apr 2013 23:31 WIB

Golkar Party submits 560 candidates for 2014 general election

Rep: Mansyur Faqih/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Golkar Party submits its candidates for 2014 general election at Indonesian General Election Committee in Jakarta on Sunday.
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Golkar Party submits its candidates for 2014 general election at Indonesian General Election Committee in Jakarta on Sunday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Golongan Karya (Golkar) Party submitted 560 candidates consist of 358 males and 202 females. The former ruling party is the second party submitting its candidates for the elections.  

According to Deputy General Secretary of Golkar, Nurul Arifin said that General Secretary of Golkar, Idrus Marham came to General Election Commission (KPU) office without the chairman, Aburizal Bakrie. "About 38.57 percent of candidates are below 45 year old," Arifin said on Sunday. 

People's Conscience Party or Hanura also submit 560 candidates, consist of 361 males and 199 females. Chairman of Hanura Wiranto were optimistic that the party would sit at the top three at 2014 general election. 




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