Sabtu 27 Apr 2013 21:49 WIB

MRT project starts in May

Rep: Ratna Maya Tejomukti/Muhammad Iqbal/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A woman reads map of the planned MRT lanes in Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
A woman reads map of the planned MRT lanes in Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Jakarta Mass rapid transportation (MRT) construction will start in May and the project will take seven years to be completed. Governor of Jakarta Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, plans to sign agreement that he will be responsible financially if any disruption occurs.

"I have studied the agreement and we will be responsible for the financial loans, not for whole project," he said on Friday. 

The agreement will be signedonce the loan is disbursed. The central government has agreed to finance 49 percent while the provincial government of Jakarta will be responsible the 51 percent of fund, which comes from Japan International Cooperation Agency' soft loan. 

Marwanto from Directorate General of Fiscal Balance at Ministry of Finance said that government of Jakarta needed to socialize MRT system to public. The government plans to introduce the system using simulation methods at National Monument (Monas). 

The MRT in Jakarta will connect Lebak Bulus in South Jakarta and the Hotel Indonesia's in Central Jakarta. The construction of the first MRT track will be funded 1.27 million USD from JICA, 





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