Rabu 15 May 2013 20:48 WIB

Military: No need to exaggerate West Papuan Independence issues

Rep: Muhammad Akbar Wijaya/Esthhi Maharani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Supporters of the Free Papua Movement carry the Morning Star independence flag in Paniai Timur in Papua, 2008. (file photo)
Foto: Reuters/Muhammad Yamin
Supporters of the Free Papua Movement carry the Morning Star independence flag in Paniai Timur in Papua, 2008. (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Commander of Indonesian Armed Forces, Admiral Agus Suhartono expects Indonesian people not pay too much attention to Benny Wenda, West Papua Independence leader, who recently established Papuan representative office in Oxford, the United Kingdom. Benny is still a fugitive murder in Abepura Papua and his role is not recognized by Papuan people.

"Wenda doesn't get support from Papuan people," Suhartono claimed on Wednesday. 

Wenda asked Australia to help the Papuan independence. According to Suhartono, Wenda statement at TEDx Sydney 2013 at Sydney University in Australia do not need to be exaggerated. 

Suhartono have been coordinating with Ministry of Foreign Affairs to resolve the issue since Wenda statements involved other countries. The Indonesian National Armed Forces also have prepared necessary data if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs need them.

Meanwhile Vice Chairman of Commission I at the House of Representative,  Agus Gumiwang asked government not to underestimate any action taken by Papuan separatist leaders abroad. "Government should strengthen diplomatic ambassadors in countries where Papuan separatists are staying," he said.

Wenda is a fugitive who was arrested in 2002 as suspected of criminal activity. He involved an attack in Abepura that killed a policeman. He fled to Papua New Guinea helped by West Papua activists. In 2003, he was granted asylum from the British government. Wenda also ever mentioned the existence of human rights violations in Indonesia. He told it to German radio, Deutsche Welle.


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