Selasa 04 Jun 2013 23:18 WIB

Papua has the most child labors in Indonesia

Rep: Fenny Melisa/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Two boys work as garbage scavengers in Muara Angke, Jakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Two boys work as garbage scavengers in Muara Angke, Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) records that up to 4.7 million children aged 10 to 17 year work as active labors in Indonesia. About 3.4 million of them are absorbed in labor market as workers with composition 1.1 million in urban areas and 2.3 million in rural areas.

"Papua is the province with the highest number of child labors at 34.7 percent. Then, North Sulawesi 20.46 percent and West Sulawesi 19.82 percent," member of KPAI, Muhammad Ihsan said on Tuesday.

According to Law No. 23/2002 about Child Protection, child is a person under 18 years of age, while in ratification of International Labor Organization (ILO) mentions child is a person between 13 to 15 year old. The children can do light work as long as it doesn't interfere with development of physical, mental and social development. 

While the worst conditions are child slavery, prostitution, pornography, gambling, liquor, narcotics, psychotropic and other worst forms. Children are considered works if it works at least one hour in a row in a week to obtain goods or money.

Ihsan said work for child should consider the time to learn, play and the type of work he or she performed. Time must be adjusted to the provisions of law which should be during the day and should not exceed than three hours. 






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