Selasa 18 Jun 2013 01:39 WIB

Workers and students stage protest over fuel price hike

Rep: Fenny Melisa/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Police diperse the crowd in front of parliament complex in Senayan, Jakarta, using water canon on Monday night.
Police diperse the crowd in front of parliament complex in Senayan, Jakarta, using water canon on Monday night.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Trade union and students staged a protest in front of parliament complex in Jakarta on Monday, before dispersed by the police at night. President of Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI), Said Iqbal said the government's move to raise fuel prices coupled with Temporary Direct Aid (BLSM) for the poor are tricking and contraproductive.

"KSPI rejects the increase in fuel price and distribution of BLSM," Iqbal said on Monday.

The increase in fuel prices from 4,500 IDR per liter to 6,500 IDR per liter will make purchasing power of the workers down. The increase in minimum wage of 500 thousand IDR to 700 thousand IDR will be in vain if fuel price go up with rising price of food, rent house and transportation. 

Approximately five thousand workers joined in KSPI in demonstration in front of some government offices, such as in front of the Directorate General of Taxation at Gatot Subroto street, Central Jakarta. Next, they walked to the Parliament building where plenary session related to revise of state budget 2013 was held.

Labor action related to the fuel price hike also took place in industrial areas in greater Jakarta, the Governor's office, and regent or mayor's office, including Serang, Cilegon, Purwakarta, Karawang, Subang, Sukabumi, Cimahi, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo , Pasuruan, Gresik, Probolinggo, Malang and Aceh. The demonstration was also held in Medan, Batam, Bintan, Karimun, Lampung, Jambi, Makassar, Manado, Gorontalo, Jakarta, Papua Karimun, Lampung, Jambi, Makassar, Manado, Gorontalo, Samarinda, and Papua. 

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