Selasa 18 Jun 2013 02:10 WIB

House passes revised state budget 2013

Rep: Muhammad Iqbal/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A plenary session in the House of Representative in Senayan, Jakarta, passes the revised state budget 2013 on Monday night.
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
A plenary session in the House of Representative in Senayan, Jakarta, passes the revised state budget 2013 on Monday night.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - House of Parliament's Plenary session passed the bill of revised state budget (APBANP) 2013 on Monday night. The bill was voted by 338 members of parliament (MPs) and rejected by 181 MPs.

The "yay" votes came from 143 members of Democartic Party (PD), 98 members of Golongan Karya Party (Partai Golkar), 40 members of National Mandate Party (PAN), 33 members of United Development Party (PPP), and 23 members of the National Awakening Party (PKB). While those who rejected were 91 members of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), 51 members of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), 25 members of Great Indonesian Movement Party (Partai Gerindra), 14 members of People's Concious Party (Partai Hanura).

Minister of Finance Chatib Basri expressed his gratitude to all MPs. Government, he said, could understand the disagreement over the reivised state budget. 

"But it's part of democratic dynamic we have built since reform era," Basri said.

The session was marred by an incident when some students clashed with security guards soon after the bill passed. But the chairman of House of Representative Marzuki Alie, asked the security guard to avoid repressive measure.     


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