Senin 24 Jun 2013 14:10 WIB

14 companies cause fires in Riau

Rep: Muhammad Iqbal/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesian government deploys six CASA and one Hercules to drop ran bombs to extinguish fores caused by some foreign compaies in Riau.
Indonesian government deploys six CASA and one Hercules to drop ran bombs to extinguish fores caused by some foreign compaies in Riau.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA - Minister of Environment, Balthasar Kambuaya warned that any foreign companies causing forest fires in Riau would be held responsible and prosecuted. At least 14 companies had been identified as the perpetrators.

"Eight of them were identified as foreign companies from Malaysia," Kambuaya said on Sunday.

Some companies suspected to be involved in land and forest fire in Sumatra are PT Rambang Agro Jaya and PT Kelantan Sakti in Ogan Komering Ilir, PT Mentari Subur Abadi and PT Swadaya Bhakti Negara Mas in Musi Banyuasin. Next, PT Mekar Sari Alam Lestari in Riau, PT Kurnia Subur in Indra Giri Hulu, PT Kalista and PT SPS in Aceh.

Government deployed seven aircrafts to drop rain bomb to extinguish the fires which now polluting Singapore. Those aircrafts are six CASA and one Hercules aircraft to carry tons of salt (NaCl) to stimulate artificial rain.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marty Natalegawa said government would not apologize to Singapore or Malaysia as Indonesian government had tried various ways to tackle forest and land fires.

"Government of Singapore recognizes our concrete efforts, so we build the spirit of togetherness and partnership," Natalegawa said.

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